
Bird Festival in Sacile

Sagra-dei-Osei a Sacile Friuli

Ciuco Raduno is the largest donkey show in Friuli Venezia Giulia that takes place before the arrival of summer in the park of San Floriano …

Basket Festival in Polcenigo

Sagra dei Thest a Polcenigo Friuli

The historical Basket Festival (Sagra dei Thest) takes place the first weekend of September in Polcenigo, where you can find local carft products of the ancient professions , realized with …

Medieval feast in Caneva castle

Festa medievale in castello di caneva

The historical medieval feast in Caneva castle takes place for two weeks in the munt of July and will make you revive the ancient atmosphere and traditions ..

Spring festival in Sacile

Fiera-Primaverile-degli-Uccelli a Sacile Friuli

Spring festival is considered an anticipation of the know famous Bird festival of August.

Medieval feast in Caneva castle


The historical medieval feast in Caneva castle takes place for two weeks in the munt of July and will make you revive the ancient atmosphere and traditions ..

Saint Christopher’s Way


Saint Christopher’s Way a fascinating itinerary in Western Friuli praticable on foot or by bicycle where pilgrims, walkers, lovers of slow tourism and sweet mobility, can find everything that meets their expectations